- Highlight, cross-out, underline text
- Add sticky notes, text boxes, pencil annotations
- Add hyperlinks (url, file, or email)
- Attach files to a PDF document
- Add shapes: circles, rectangles, lines, arrows, polygons, clouds
- Add sound annotations, record audio into a PDF document
- Add rubber stamps, predefined stamps or build your own
- Precision measuring tools for distances, areas & perimeters
- Annotation review statuses; ability to flatten annotations
- Import and export in FDF/XFDF/XDP formats
- Scan papers directly to PDF
- Set document properties and initial view
- Extract, insert, move, rotate & delete pages
- Convert Microsoft Word, images and text files to PDF
- Sophisticated bookmark / document outline creation
- Apply headers, footers, watermarks or custom actions
- OCR creates searchable documents on Windows, Mac, Linux
- Create Imposition layouts
 - Create documents by merging multiple files into a single PDF
- Split by bookmarks, page range, text search

- Fill in and save interactive PDF forms
- Flatten interactive form fields
- Support for JavaScript
- Fill non-interactive forms with typewriter tool
- Interactive form designer
 - Import and export form data in FDF/XFDF/XDP formats
- Edit text content and properties
 - Edit shapes and path objects
 - Move, resize images
 - Redact text, images and shapes
 - Optimize PDFs to reduce file size


- Convert PDF to text, images (JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG)
- Convert images (JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG) to PDFs
- Convert Text, Microsoft Word and Excel files to PDF
- Convert PDF to HTML5 / SVG
 - Convert to Fast Web View (Linearize PDFs)
 - Convert to PDF/A
 - Preflight for PDF/X, PDF/A, PDF/UA
 - Create accessible tagged PDF

| Advanced User Interface
- Text Search
- Loupe tool; Rulers and grid views
- Touch mode for tablets & touch screens
- Powerful tool chest to store recent & favorite markups
- Third Party Integrations with Docusign & Document Services (Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive)
- Drag & drop pages to move them across documents
- Easy navigation through thumbnail, bookmark & comment panes
- Compare 2 PDFs side by side
- Compare multiple PDFs using overlay


- Secure documents with passwords
- Encrypt with highest level of encryption
- Set user permissions on PDF documents
- Fast sign PDFs (type, draw, import signature)
- Digitally sign PDF documents
 - Manage digital ids and trusted certificates

- Work on multiple documents at once
: - Batch form functions (Export, Flatten, Reset)
 - Batch conversion functions (Imgs, Text, PDF/A)
 - Batch annotation functions (Delete, Export, Flatten)
 - Batch document functions (Set Initial View, Set Security)
 - Batch page functions (Print, Crop, Delete, Apply Watermarks)
 - Advanced functions (Merge, Split, OCR, Rasterize) & more…
