Saving PDFs

After creating or modifying your PDF you can save your changes to the original PDF document or as a new copy of the file. Documents that have been modified and not yet saved will be marked with an asterisk '*' next to the file name in the application title bar.

Additionally, PDF documents can also be exported or converted to other formats including images, HTML, Word and more by using the Conversion Tools available in PDF Studio. 


Save a PDF

Use Save to write any changes you have made on to the original file. The Save feature will only be enabled once PDF Studio detects any changes to the open document.

Use any of the options below to Save your document at any time during the editing process:


Save a Copy of a PDF

Use the Save As option allows you to save a copy of the current file to a different file name. This feature is always enabled and can be done even when there are no modifications made to the document.

Use any of the options below to Save your document at any time during the editing process:


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