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Package com.qoppa.pdf.annotations

Changed Classes and Interfaces
Annotation Interface used to represent a PDF annotation.
Caret Interface representing a Caret annotation in a PDF document.
Circle Interface representing a Circle annotation in a PDF document.
FileAttachment Interface representing a File Attachment annotation in a PDF document.
FreeText Interface representing a FreeText annotation in a PDF document.
IAnnotSelectionListener The interface for AnnotationComponent selection events.
IAnnotationFactory This interface provides methods to create annotations in a document.
IAnnotationManager This interface manages the selection cycle for AnnotationComponents.
Ink Interface representing an Ink annotation in a PDF document.
Line Interface representing a Line annotation in a PDF document.
Polygon Class representing a Polygon annotation in a PDF document.
Polyline Class representing a Polyline annotation in a PDF document.
Redaction Interface representing a Redaction annotation in a PDF document.
RubberStamp Interface representing a Rubber Stamp annotation in a PDF document.
ShapeAnnotation Abstract class to be extended by annotations that contain textual content.
Sound Interface representing a Sound annotation in a PDF document.
Square Interface representing a Square annotation in a PDF document.
Text Interface representing a Text annotation in a PDF document.
TextMarkup Interface representing a Text Markup annotation in a PDF document.
Vertices This interface represents a list of vertices.
Widget An abstract class that represents a Widget.