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Interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.IAnnotationFactory

Removed Methods
FileAttachment createFileAttachment(byte[], String, String) Constructs a file attachment annotation.

Added Methods
FileAttachment createFileAttachment(byte[], String, Date, Date, String) Constructs a file attachment annotation.
FileAttachment createFileAttachment(InputStream, String, Date, Date, String) Creates a file attachment from an input stream.
FileAttachment createFileAttachment(byte[], String, String) Constructs a file attachment annotation.
FreeText createTypeWriter(String) Constructs a typewriter annotation with the given content.

Changed Methods
Ink createInk(String, List<Vertices>) Change in signature from (String, Vector) to (String, List<Vertices>).
Constructs an Ink annotation.
Polygon createPolygon(String, Vertices, String) Change in signature from (String, Vector, String) to (String, Vertices, String).
Constructs a polygon annotation.
Polyline createPolyline(String, Vertices, String) Change in signature from (String, Vector, String) to (String, Vertices, String).
Constructs a polyline annotation.
TextMarkup createTextMarkup(String, Vector<Point2D[]>, String) Change in signature from (String, Vector, String) to (String, Vector<Point2D[]>, String).
Constructs a new TextMarkup annotation.
FileAttachment createFileAttachment(InputStream, String, String) Now deprecated.
Use IAnnotationFactory.createFileAttachment(InputStream inStream, String fileName, Date modDate, Date creationDate, String popupText) instead.
Redaction createRedaction(String, Vector<Point2D[]>) Change in signature from (String, Vector) to (String, Vector<Point2D[]>).
Constructs a new Redaction annotation defined by the quadList rather than it's rectangular bounds, unless the quadList is empty.
RubberStamp createRubberStamp(Image, ImageCompression) Change in signature from (Image, ImageSettings) to (Image, ImageCompression).
Constructs a rubber stamp annotation with the given image.