Extract Barcode Data Node

The Extract Barcode Data Node allows you to extract barcode information from various supported barcode formats into workflow variables. These can then be used later in the workflow as needed for further document processing. 


General Settings

Barcode Format - Select the barcode format to be recognized. Only one barcode type can be recognized per node. The following barcode formats are supported:

DPI - The DPI to use when converting the document pages to be scanned for barcodes. The DPI value does not alter the original document and is only used to set the quality of the image being sent to the barcode engine. From our testing, a resolution of 300 DPI produces the best results. To improve performance, you can try using a lower DPI setting but it may reduce accuracy.


Defines how the document will be searched for barcodes. 

Single Page - Extracts data from the first barcode found on the specified page.

Entire Document - Extracts data from the first barcode found in the document starting at page 1.

Selected Area - Create variables by selecting areas on a template PDF document. When processing documents the variables will be populated with the barcode data found on documents using the location information for the variables. 


Creating Variable Locations

To set the regions in a PDF you will need to launch the Barcode Area tool and select a template document to use as a reference to create the locations to extract the barcode data. The template document is for reference only and will not be used when the workflow is running. 

  1. Click on "Select Template PDF" to launch the file chooser
  2. Select the PDF document you would like to use as your template document
    • Note: For best results the template must be exactly the same as the documents that will be processed through the flow.
  3. Use the document preview window to create the areas to search for barcodes
  4. Drag the cursor over the area you wish to extract barcode data from. This will display an Add Variable dialog with options for the barcode data
  5. Set the variable options in the Add Variable dialog and click OK to create the new variable.
  6. To add additional areas click on the Plus Sign on the toolbar and repeat the process until all areas have been selected.
  7. Once you have completed creating all areas click on OK to close the dialog and finish the variable creation process


Variable Settings

Variable Name: The name of the variable to be created

Type: PAS currently supports the following user defined data types for variables

Format: Sets the default format for the variable. The format can also be set dynamically at output time using Variable Formatting

Required: Sets whether a value is required in the variable to continue the flow. When set to true if no variable is created on this node it will trigger Trouble Handling. When set to false and no value is found it will pass through an empty string. 

Template text: Preview of the text found in the area selected

Variable Formatting

Variables require a default format to be set in order for to be used by the workflow. You can use one of the predefined formats in the drop down or write your own using the following formatting symbols


NO formatting options, plain text strings only


0 = digit placeholder (000 = 001)

# = digit no placeholder (### = 1)

. = decimal separator (#.# = 0.5)

, = grouping separator (#,### = 1,000)


yy = two-digit year

yyyy = four-digit year

m = month (1-12)

mm = two-digit month (01-12)

mmm = three letter month abbreviation (01=Jan)

mmmm = full month name (01=January)

d = day of month (1-31)

dd = two-digit day of month (01 - 31)

H = hours (1-23)

HH = two digit hour (00 - 23) (AM/PM NOT allowed)

M = minutes (0-59)

MM = two digit minute (00 - 59)

s = seconds (0-59)

ss = two digit second (00 - 59)

h = hour (0 - 12 | 12-hour AM/PM format)

hh = two digit hour (00 - 12 | 12-hour AM/PM format)

tt = AM/PM based on the time

zz = time zone (Pacific Daylight Time = PDT)

zzzz = time zone (Pacific Daylight Time)


True / False

1 / 0 = binary format

yes / no


Qoppa Software's PDF Automation Server for Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS

Automate PDF Document Workflows through RESTful Web Services & Folder Watching

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