Printing PDFs

PDF documents can be printed from within PDF Studio Viewer. By default, PDF Studio Viewer will print using our custom dialog which provides additional advanced printing options as well as a live print preview. Start the print dialog by clicking on the Print icon or press Ctrl + P (Cmd + P on Mac).

Print Dialog

Note: If you wish to print using the Operating System print dialog instead, see Print Defaults in Preferences.

PDF Studio Print Options

The below print options are available when using the PDF Studio Print dialog. Settings options will be enabled and disabled based on what the printer tells PDF Studio is available.

Note: There may be some cases where the printer may support an option that is listed as disabled because it was not reported as available to PDF Studio. If this is the case you will need to use the System Print dialog instead.

Printer - The name of the printer you wish to print to

Copies - The number of copies of the document to be printed

Collate:  Keeps pages in order when printing multiple copies. For example, if unchecked, two copies of a three-page document will print in this order: 1,1,2,2,3,3. If checked, the order will be 1,2,3,1,2,3. This option is not available when printing only one copy.

Print to File - Option to print to a .prn file instead of directly to the printer. This allows you to reprint the document without running or even having the original application that created the file. For example, if you need to send the document to a printing company that only prints on a specific printer.


Page Range

All Pages: all pages in the document

Current Page: the current page being displayed

Current View: prints the page exactly as it is displayed in the current PDF Studio frame. Note: This option will be disabled if more than one page is currently being displayed.

Selected Pages: prints the pages currently selected in the thumbnails pane

Pages: set custom range of pages if needed using values separated by commas. For example, to print only pages 2 to 4 & 6 to 12 & 20 of a 30 page document enter “2-4, 6-12, 20″. 

Subset: Subset of the currently set page range to print. Choose from the below options

Reverse Pages: reverse the order in which the pages will come out of the printer

Standard Printing

Sides - The options to print pages either one sided or on both sides of the paper

Print Options - Additional print options to size the content to the page.

Multiple Pages per Sheet Printing

Pages per sheet: Number of pages from the document that should be printed per sheet. Pages will be added to the sheet using evenly spaced grids

Page order: Options to order the pages Horizontally from top to bottom or Vertically from left to right

Page margins: Adjusts the spacing between each of the page grids

Sides - The options to print pages either one sided or on both sides of the paper

Auto-rotate individual pages in sheet: Rotates each individual page so that the width and length best fit each of the individual grids on the sheet.

Print border: When checked adds a border around each of the pages on the sheet

Booklet Printing

Booklet subset: Subset of the currently set page range options. Choose from the below options

Page margins: Adjusts the spacing between each of the page grids

Binding: Determines whether the binding (folded edge) of the booklet when folded should be on the left or the right

Auto-rotate individual pages in sheet: Rotates each individual page so that the width and length best fit each of the individual grids on the sheet.

Print border: When checked adds a border around each of the pages on the sheet


Paper Size - The size of the paper to be printed on. This sizes in the list are determined by the printer that is selected

Paper Tray - The tray on the printer where the paper will be coming from

Orientation - The layout and direction of the content being placed on the page


Chromaticity - Sets the color of the document to be printed

Quality - Sets the quality of the pages to be printed

Performance - Sets additional advanced options to improve printing performance

Comments & Forms

Print: Sets the printing options for documents with comments and forms


The print preview panel displays  what the document will look like once printed based on the selected options, as well as contain navigation buttons allowing you to navigate the preview pages, and document properties showing selected paper and document sizes. Changing printing options will update the preview in real time.

Note: On Mac OS and Linux, some printers will always display "Color" even if the printer only prints in black & white.  

 First Page: Navigates to the first page of the preview document.

 Previous Page: Navigates to the previous page in the preview document.

Page Number: Displays the current page being viewed and the total number of pages. Type a number into the field and press "Enter" to navigate directly to that page.

 Next Page: Navigates to the next page in the preview document.

 Last Page: Navigates to the Last page in the preview document.



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