Generated by

Class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage

Removed Methods
void drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, AffineTransform, ImageSettings) Draws an image onto this page.
void drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, AffineTransform, ImageSettings, Float) Draws an image onto this page.
void drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, AffineTransform, ImageSettings) Draws an image onto this page.

Added Methods
void drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, AffineTransform, ImageCompression) Draws an image onto this page.
void drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, AffineTransform, ImageCompression, Float) Draws an image onto this page.
void drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, AffineTransform, ImageCompression) Draws an image onto this page.
Vector<TextPositionWithContext> findTextWithContext(String, boolean, boolean) This method searches for the given text in the page.
Vector<Annotation> getAnnotations() Returns a list of PDF annotations in this page.
Rectangle2D getArtBox() Return this page's Art Box.
Rectangle2D getBleedBox() Return this page's Bleed Box.
Rectangle2D getCropBox() Return this page's Crop Box.
double getDisplayHeight() Gets the page's display height.
double getDisplayWidth() Gets the page's display width.
double getDisplayX() Returns the page's left margin.
double getDisplayY() Returns the page's top margin.
BufferedImage getImage(int, int, boolean) Returns a buffered image showing the contents of this page.
Rectangle2D getMediaBox() Returns this page's Media Box.
int getPageRotation() Returns the rotation of this page in degrees.
String getTabbingOrder() Returns the tabbing order as defined in the page description, if present.
String getText() Returns the text content of this page as a String.
Rectangle2D getTrimBox() Return this page's Trim Box.
void paintPage(Graphics2D) Paints this page to the given graphics object.
void paintPage(Graphics2D, boolean) Paints this page to the given graphics object, with an option to paint the annotations on the page.
void printPage(Graphics2D, PageFormat, PrintSettings) Prints this page given a page format describing the printer's page and a PrintSettings object.

Changed Methods
Vector<TextPosition> findText(String, boolean, boolean) Change in return type from Vector to Vector<TextPosition>.
This method searches for the given text in the page.