Generated by

Class com.qoppa.pdf.settings.ImageSettings

The superclass changed from java.lang.Object to com.qoppa.pdf.settings.ImageCompression.
Removed interface java.lang.Cloneable.

Now deprecated.

Changed Methods
Object clone() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Clones this object.
int getCompression() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Gets the compression type used when writing images to the PDF document.
float getQuality() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Gets the current quality settings.
void setCompression(int) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Sets the compression type used when writing images to the PDF document.
void setQuality(float) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Sets the current quality setting.

Changed Fields
int COMPRESSION_DEFLATE Field was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Use Deflate compression when saving images to the PDF document.
int COMPRESSION_JBIG2 Field was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Use JBIG2 compression when saving images to the PDF document.
int COMPRESSION_JPEG Field was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Use JPEG compression when saving images to the PDF document.
int COMPRESSION_JPEG2000 Field was locally defined, but is now inherited from ImageCompression. Use Jpeg2000 compression when saving images to the PDF document.