Data Types


Default Namespace
type description
AddImageActionModel This action contains information to add an image stamp to a page.
AddTextActionModel This action contains information to add an image stamp to a page.
AnnotationModel An annotation in the PDF document.
AnnotationsModel All annotations in the PDF document.
ApplyRedactionsActionModel This action will apply or "burn in" all redaction annotations that are in this document. The page content that is contained within the redaction annotation's bounds will be redacted.
AttachmentAnnotationModel An attachment annotation in the PDF document.
AttachmentModel A single attachment in the PDF Document.
AttachmentsModel All attachments in the PDF Document.
AuthenticationModel Authentication credentials for creating a session.
AuthorizerModel Information about the content provider.
BookmarkActionModel The action for this Bookmark. BookmarkActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: GoToPageModel, GoToURLModel.
BookmarkModel The Bookmarks in a PDF document. A bookmark is essentially a node on a tree that has a list of actions associated with it and a number of children.
CompareActionModel This action is used for generating a comparison PDF document with separate layers containing the PDF content converted to color.
CompareOptionsModel The options to use when adding a PDFDocument as a layer to a comparison document.
ContentProviderModel Information about the content provider.
CopyActionModel This action is used to create a copy of a document.
DigitalIDModel A digital ID used to sign a signature field in the PDF document.
DocumentActionModel Document actions contain information that is used to copy and modify documents. DocumentActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of it's subclasses: FlattenAnnotationsActionModel, FlattenFieldsActionModel, OptimizeActionModel, CopyActionModel, and LinearizeActionModel.
DocumentInfoModel Information about a document.
DocumentModel A PDF document.
FieldModel A field in the PDF document.
FieldsModel All fields in the PDF document.
FileModel A File (folder or normal file).
FlattenAnnotationsActionModel This action is used to flatten all annotations in the document.
FlattenFieldsActionModel This action is used to flatten all fields in the document.
FolderModel A folder.
GoToPageModel The GotoPageAction. A GotoPageAction can be used to position the display a page in a PDF document.
GoToURLModel The GoToURLAction. A GoToURLAction can be used to open a URL.
ImageHandlerModel An image handler in the optimize settings that controls the output images.
ImageStampActionModel This action contains information to place an image stamp on one or more pages.
InsertAttachedPagesActionModel This action is used to insert or append a PDF or image file as a page/pages. An image (jpeg, tiff, gif, png) or pdf file must also be sent as part of the request.
InsertPagesActionModel Insert page actions are used to insert pages into the document. InsertPagesActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of it's subclasses: InsertAttachedPagesActionModel and InsertUploadedPagesActionModel.
InsertUploadedPagesActionModel This action is used to insert or append a PDF that is already uploaded.
LinearizeActionModel This action is used to linearize a document.
LinkModel A link to a resource.
NewDocumentActionModel New Document actions contain information used to create a new document with the specified number of pages.
NewPageActionModel This action is used to insert a new blank page.
OCRActionModel This action is used to perform OCR on one or more pages.
OCRPDFModel Settings used when performing OCR on a PDF document.
OptimizeActionModel This action is used to optimize the document with the specified profile.
OptimizePDFModel Settings used when optimizing a PDF document.
OptimizeProfileModel A profile for optimizing. It includes a profile name and the associated Optimize Settings.
OptimizeProfilesModel All available optimization profiles.
PDFAConvertActionModel This action is used to convert the document to PDF/A.
PDFPermissionsModel All permissions in the PDF Document including password permissions, DocMDP permissions, usage rights, and signature permissions.
PDFToPDFAModel Settings used when converting a PDF document to PDF/A.
PDFToSVGModel Settings used when converting a PDF document to SVG.
PageActionModel Page actions contain information that is used to modify pages. PageActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: OCRActionModel, ImageStampActionModel, TextStampActionModel, InsertAttachedPagesActionModel, InsertUploadedPagesActionModel, NewPageActionModel, RotatePageActionModel, PageOrderActionModel, AddImageActionModel, AddTextActionModel, and ResizePageActionModel.
PageModel A page in the PDF document.
PageOrderActionModel Page order actions contain information used to change the order of the pages in a document.
PagesModel All pages in the PDF Document.
PasswordPermissionsModel Permissions for operating on the PDF document.
PermissionsModel Permissions for operating on the PDF document.
PointModel The x and y coordinates of a point.
PreflightInformationModel Information about the preflight process.
PreflightPDFModel Settings used when verifying PDF conformance to a standard.
PreflightResultRecordModel This object holds information about an issue found in the document. The information includes a header or short name, a detail string and the page number where the issue happened.
PreflightResultsModel All preflight result records.
QuadPointModel A list of four points forming a quadrilateral that encloses the text.
RectangleModel A component's boundaries within a page in a PDF document.
RedactionModel Redaction is used to specify the text to redact along with the properties of the redaction annotation before it is flattened and the resulting redaction.
ResizePageActionModel Page actions contain information that is used to modify pages. PageActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: OCRActionModel, ImageStampActionModel, TextStampActionModel, InsertAttachedPagesActionModel, InsertUploadedPagesActionModel, NewPageActionModel, RotatePageActionModel, PageOrderActionModel, AddImageActionModel, AddTextActionModel, and ResizePageActionModel.
RotatePageActionModel Rotate page actions contain information used to rotate a single page or all pages in a document.
SignatureFieldModel A signature field in the PDF document.
SignatureFieldsModel All signature fields in the PDF document.
SignatureValidityModel Signature validity information associated with a signed signature field.
StampActionModel Stamp actions contain information used to add a stamp to a page in the document. They can be used to create watermarks, headers, and footers. StampActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: ImageStampActionModel and TextStampActionModel.
TextPositionModel Information about the location of a text string.
TextPositionsModel A list text string locations.
TextStampActionModel This action contains information to place a text stamp on one or more pages.
WebApplicationExceptionModel A web application exception.
WidgetModel A widget in the PDF Document.
WordToPDFModel Settings used when converting an MS Word document to PDF.


Default Namespace (schema)
type description
Annotation An annotation in the PDF document.
Annotations All annotations in the PDF document.
AttachmentAnnotation An attachment annotation in the PDF document.
Attachment A single attachment in the PDF Document.
Attachments All attachments in the PDF Document.
Authentication Authentication credentials for creating a session.
Authorizer Information about the content provider.
BookmarkAction The action for this Bookmark. BookmarkActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: GoToPageModel, GoToURLModel.
Bookmark The Bookmarks in a PDF document. A bookmark is essentially a node on a tree that has a list of actions associated with it and a number of children.
OverlayCompareOptions The options to use when adding a PDFDocument as a layer to a comparison document.
ContentProvider Information about the content provider.
DigitalID A digital ID used to sign a signature field in the PDF document.
DocumentInfo Information about a document.
Document A PDF document.
Field A field in the PDF document.
Fields All fields in the PDF document.
File A File (folder or normal file).
Folder A folder.
GoToPage The GotoPageAction. A GotoPageAction can be used to position the display a page in a PDF document.
GoToURL The GoToURLAction. A GoToURLAction can be used to open a URL.
ImageHandler An image handler in the optimize settings that controls the output images.
Link A link to a resource.
OptimizeProfile A profile for optimizing. It includes a profile name and the associated Optimize Settings.
OptimizeProfiles All available optimization profiles.
PDFPermissions All permissions in the PDF Document including password permissions, DocMDP permissions, usage rights, and signature permissions.
Page A page in the PDF document.
Pages All pages in the PDF Document.
PasswordPermissions Permissions for operating on the PDF document.
Permissions Permissions for operating on the PDF document.
PreflightInformation Information about the preflight process.
PreflightResultRecord This object holds information about an issue found in the document. The information includes a header or short name, a detail string and the page number where the issue happened.
PreflightResults All preflight result records.
Rectangle A component's boundaries within a page in a PDF document.
Redaction Redaction is used to specify the text to redact along with the properties of the redaction annotation before it is flattened and the resulting redaction.
SignatureField A signature field in the PDF document.
SignatureFields All signature fields in the PDF document.
SignatureValidity Signature validity information associated with a signed signature field.
WebApplicationException A web application exception.
Widget A widget in the PDF Document.
AddImageAction This action contains information to add an image stamp to a page.
AddTextAction This action contains information to add an image stamp to a page.
ApplyRedactionsAction This action will apply or "burn in" all redaction annotations that are in this document. The page content that is contained within the redaction annotation's bounds will be redacted.
CompareAction This action is used for generating a comparison PDF document with separate layers containing the PDF content converted to color.
CopyAction This action is used to create a copy of a document.
documentActionModel Document actions contain information that is used to copy and modify documents. DocumentActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of it's subclasses: FlattenAnnotationsActionModel, FlattenFieldsActionModel, OptimizeActionModel, CopyActionModel, and LinearizeActionModel.
FlattenAnnotationsAction This action is used to flatten all annotations in the document.
FlattenFieldsAction This action is used to flatten all fields in the document.
ImageStampAction This action contains information to place an image stamp on one or more pages.
InsertAttachedPagesAction This action is used to insert or append a PDF or image file as a page/pages. An image (jpeg, tiff, gif, png) or pdf file must also be sent as part of the request.
insertPagesActionModel Insert page actions are used to insert pages into the document. InsertPagesActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of it's subclasses: InsertAttachedPagesActionModel and InsertUploadedPagesActionModel.
InsertUploadedPagesAction This action is used to insert or append a PDF that is already uploaded.
LinearizeAction This action is used to linearize a document.
NewDocumentAction New Document actions contain information used to create a new document with the specified number of pages.
NewPageAction This action is used to insert a new blank page.
OCRAction This action is used to perform OCR on one or more pages.
OptimizeAction This action is used to optimize the document with the specified profile.
PDFAConvertAction This action is used to convert the document to PDF/A.
pageActionModel Page actions contain information that is used to modify pages. PageActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: OCRActionModel, ImageStampActionModel, TextStampActionModel, InsertAttachedPagesActionModel, InsertUploadedPagesActionModel, NewPageActionModel, RotatePageActionModel, PageOrderActionModel, AddImageActionModel, AddTextActionModel, and ResizePageActionModel.
PageOrderAction Page order actions contain information used to change the order of the pages in a document.
ResizePageAction Page actions contain information that is used to modify pages. PageActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: OCRActionModel, ImageStampActionModel, TextStampActionModel, InsertAttachedPagesActionModel, InsertUploadedPagesActionModel, NewPageActionModel, RotatePageActionModel, PageOrderActionModel, AddImageActionModel, AddTextActionModel, and ResizePageActionModel.
RotatePageAction Rotate page actions contain information used to rotate a single page or all pages in a document.
stampActionModel Stamp actions contain information used to add a stamp to a page in the document. They can be used to create watermarks, headers, and footers. StampActionModel is abstract and should not be used. Instead, use one of its subclasses: ImageStampActionModel and TextStampActionModel.
TextStampAction This action contains information to place a text stamp on one or more pages.
Point The x and y coordinates of a point.