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Package com.qoppa.pdf.annotations

Removed Interfaces
MarkUpText Interface representing a Text Markup annotation in a PDF document.

Added Interfaces
AnnotationCheckmarkStatus Interface used to represent the checkmark status of an Annotation.
AnnotationReviewStatus Interface used to represent the review status of an Annotation.
RichMedia Interface representing a RichMedia annotation in a PDF document.
ThreeDimensional Interface representing a 3D annotation in a PDF document.
UnrecognizedAnnotation Interface representing an annotation of an unrecognized subtype.
WatermarkAnnotation Interface representing a Watermark annotation in a PDF document.

Changed Classes and Interfaces
Annotation Interface used to represent a PDF annotation.
AnnotationComponent This interface is implemented by components that display annotations.
FreeText Interface representing a FreeText annotation in a PDF document.
IAnnotationFactory This interface provides methods to create annotations in a document.
Ink Interface representing an Ink annotation in a PDF document.
TextMarkup Interface representing a Text Markup annotation in a PDF document.
Widget An abstract class that represents a Widget.
WidgetHandler This class is used by WidgetComponents to set the value to their respective FormFields when focus is lost, selection is changed in a choice field, or a button is clicked.