Generated by

Package com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings

Changed Classes
AreaHighlightTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Area Highlight Tool.
AreaTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Area Tool.
ArrowTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Arrow Tool.
CalloutTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Callout Tool.
CircleTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Circle Tool.
CloudTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Cloud Tool.
DistanceTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Distance Tool.
FreeTextTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the FreeText Tool.
LineTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Line Tool.
PencilTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Pencil Tool.
PerimeterTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Perimeter Tool.
PolygonTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Polygon Tool.
PolylineTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Polyline Tool.
RedactionTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Redaction Tool.
SquareTool This class manages the default properties and settings for the Square Tool.