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Package com.qoppa.pdfNotes

Added Classes and Interfaces
AnnotPropsToolbarVisibilitySettings AnnotToolbarVisibilitySettings manages the visibility of the controls on the .AnnotPropertiesToolbar and .TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar.
GridSettings This class holds information about the grid including the color, number of subdivisions, offset from the top and left, and spacing between major grid lines.
IAnnotationManagerNotes This interface extends IAnnotationManager to manage the review/marked status of Annotations.
RulerSettings This class holds settings to display the ruler headers.
TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar The TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar allows changing common annotation text properties quickly from a tool bar without the need to open the full properties dialog.

Changed Classes
AnnotPropertiesToolbar The AnnotPropertiesToolbar allows changing common annotation appearance properties quickly from a tool bar without the need to open the full properties dialog.
PDFNotesBean PDFNotesBean is a component that can be used to display and annotate PDF documents within an application or an applet.