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Class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.PDFEditorBean

Added Methods
boolean addCompareListener(CompareListener) Adds a CompareListener to be notified when comparison modes are started or stopped.
BookmarkPanelEditor getBookmarkPanelEditor() Returns an interface to allow access to the bookmarks panel.
PDFDocument getCompareDocument() Gets the PDFDocument that is overlayed or in side by side comparison with the current document.
CompareOverlayOptions getOverlayOptions() Get the current overlay options.
boolean isCompareOverlay() Returns true if overlay comparison mode is active.
boolean isCompareSidebySide() Returns true if side by side comparison is active.
boolean removeCompareListener(CompareListener) Removes the CompareListener.
void setGridSettings(GridSettings) Sets the grid settings.
void setOutputPreview(ColorSpace, boolean) This method will set the output color space that jPDFEditor should render to.
void setRulerSettings(RulerSettings) Sets the ruler settings.
void startCompare(PDFDocument, int, CompareOverlayOptions) Starts a comparison between the current document and a second document in the specified mode (one of PDFEditorBean.MODE_COMPARE_OVERLAY or PDFEditorBean.MODE_COMPARE_SIDEBYSIDE).
void stopCompareOverlay() Stops overlay comparison mode.
boolean stopCompareSideBySide() Stops side by side comparison mode.

Changed Methods
boolean close(boolean) Method was inherited from com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean, but is now defined locally.  
BookmarkPanel getBookmarkPanel() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from PDFViewerBean. Returns an interface to allow access to the bookmarks panel.

Added Fields
int MODE_COMPARE_OVERLAY Overlay comparison mode.
int MODE_COMPARE_SIDEBYSIDE Side by side comparison mode.