Print PDF Files

The Print PDF tab is used when PDF documents will be sent to a printer as they are received. The tab allows the user to set different options such as choosing the printer to send the document to, setting page ranges and more.

Print PDF Settings


Select the printer you wish to use here. When the job is running and the printer you selected now is not available, then the current system default printer will be selected instead.

Print Range

All: prints all the pages in the document

Page Range: enter a single page, a page range, or multiple pages and ranges, separated by commas.

Page Handling

Auto Rotate: rotate the printout to match the width and length with the paper. The portrait / landscape setting set by the user will be ignored.

Center In Printable Area: center the page in the paper. No effect if the pages in a document are larger than the paper they are being printed on.

Reduce Large Pages to Printer Margins: shrink pages so that they fit in the paper. No effect if the pages in a document are smaller than the paper they are being printed on.

Expand Small Pages to Printer Margins: expand pages to fill the paper they are being printed on. No effect if the pages in a document are larger than the paper they are being printed on.


Number of Copies: the number of copies of the document to be printed

Collate Sheets: keeps pages in order when printing multiple copies. For example, if unchecked, two copies of a three-page document will print in this order: 1,1,2,2,3,3. If checked, the order will be 1,2,3,1,2,3. This option is not available when printing only one copy.

Duplex Processing: the options to print on the front and back of pages

Print to File: Use this option to send the printer output to a file instead of the printer.  When the option is checked, an output folder is necessary to know where to save the printer output files.

Output Folder: the full path to a local directory (on the server) to send the file

Note: This directory is local to where the server is running not the PAS Manager and so the file path must follow the format set by the OS of the server.

Specify Paper Source: Use this option to select a specific tray for paper source on the selected printer.  When this option is left unchecked, the default tray on the printer will be used.


Qoppa Software's PDF Automation Server for Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS

Automate PDF Document Workflows through RESTful Web Services & Folder Watching

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